Compare 2 Lists

A common task for many Excel Users is to compare 2 or more lists and find out

  1. the missing values in either of these lists
  2. Common Values
  3. Unique Values in both lists

Although Excel allows you to do this using its MATCH function and then filtering the data where match is found…. this process is time consuming

This tool allows you to quickly compare 2 lists in seconds.

For example in the Video below we have 2 Tables. Product Table and Sales Table and we want to find out which products were missing in each of these Tables

You can also use this tool to compare Lists in different workbooks

You can also change the colors used to highlight results by clicking the “Highlight Settings” Tab

This tool is part of Z-Addin


You can download the copy of this Addin from the link below. Please provide email address so that if there is any improvement in this Addin, I can share it with you 🙂

There is no need to download again if you have already downloaded “Z-Addin” from another webpage in this website

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